Monthly Archives: July 2014

Thai Government Investigates Forged Land Title Deeds in Phuket

The Thailand Department of National Parks stated in a press conference last week that it would begin a “campaign” to reclaim public land in Phuket’s Sirinat National Park that has been encroached upon with the use of improper Sor Kor 1 title documents, according to the Bangkok Post.

Up to 370 land plots, covering 2,700 rai (roughly 1,092 acres), are allegedly illegally overrun by real estate tycoons and hoteliers within the national park.

The Phuket National Park Office blames the Provincial Land Office for issuing land title deeds to properties within the national park, reports the Bangkok Post. The Provincial Land Office counters that it received no assistance from the National Park Office to determine land boundaries before issuing deeds. These land officials reportedly proceeded with issuance of some of the deeds in question, rather than face lawsuit charges.

Despite these apparent discrepancies, Sirinat National Park chief, Kitiphat Taraphiban, reported to the Phuket Gazette that he will file official complaints against several individuals this week.

“Anyone claiming to own pieces of land that are in fact part of the national park will face charges of encroachment. We will take back all the national park for the public,” said Chief Kitiphat in an interview with the Phuket Gazette.

Thailand  real estate law provides for different types of land title deeds.  However, public lands do not normally allow for exclusive private ownership.


Bangkok Post

Phuket Gazette